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HomeEventsCity of Aurora Police and Fire Independent Monitor Consent Decree Report Number Seven Released

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City of Aurora Police and Fire Independent Monitor Consent Decree Report Number Seven Released

About this event

The seventh progress report published October 15, 2024 by IntegrAssure, the Independent Monitor appointed to oversee the City of Aurora's Police and Fire, may be found on the Independent Monitor's  website.

All independent monitor reports to date may be found  here.

The City of Aurora lists related public town meetings, upcoming and past recordings, on their Aurora Consent Degree  webpage.

Background after the death of Elijah McClain at the hands of Aurora Police and Fire personnel:

CO SB20-217, a law enforcement accountability bill enacted in 2020, authorized the CO Attorney General to investigate any governmental agency for engaging in a pattern or practice of conduct that violates state or federal constitutions or laws. In August 2020, Attorney General Weiser announced an investigation of Aurora Police and Aurora Fire based on multiple community reports about misconduct. This investigation led to an agreement between the Attorney General's Office and the City of Aurora which mandated that the City reform public safety in Aurora in a variety of different ways to be overseen by an Independent Consent Decree Monitor.

On September 15, 2021, the Attorney General announced that the Department of Law investigation team found that the Aurora Police Department had a pattern and practice of violating state and federal law through racially biased policing, using excessive force, and failing to record legally required information when interacting with the community.

The investigation also found that Aurora Fire Rescue had a pattern and practice of administering ketamine in violation of the law. Lastly, with respect to personnel issues, the investigation found that the Aurora Civil Service Commission overturned disciplinary actions in high-profile cases in a way that undermined the chief’s authority; that the commission had total control over entry-level hiring and that the hiring process yielded a disparate impact on minority applicants.


Tuesday, October 15, 2024


Important Community Event

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