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HomeAdvocacy - Health Care
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Interested in Health Care Reform? Take Action!

Join a League Health Care Committee:
  • LWV of Arapahoe and Douglas Counties:
  • Get involved at the local League level:
       Email us at lwvadc.defending.democracy at sign gmail dot com with your name and email address.
       Add LWVADC HEALTH CARE to the subject line
  • LWV of Colorado has a Health Care Task Force (watch for meetings in the LWV of Colorado calendar):
  • The next LWVCO Health Care Task force meetings will be
        Thursday, August 8 at 6:30 PM online (all League members are invited):

        Information and registration.
     and Thursday, September 12 at 6:30 PM online (all League members are invited):
        Information and registration.
  • LWV of the US Health Care Reform for the U.S. (HCR4US) Committee:
  • The next LWVUS Health Care Reform for the U.S. (HCR4US) Committee meetings will be:
        Sunday, July 28 at 6:00 PM MT online (all League members are invited):

        Information and registration
        and Sunday, August 25 at 6:00 PM MT online (all League members are invited):
        Information and registration.

In 2024, the Health Care Reform for the U.S. (HCR4US) Committee
is requesting League members' support for a new update
to the League of Women Voters national Health Care position

The Health Care Reform for the U.S. (HCR4US) Committee
requests that local and state Leagues recommend
a proposed concurrence resolution
to update the League of Women Voters national Health Care position
before the June, 2024 League of Women Voters national convention.

The proposed resolution is for a concurrence with the recent
League of Women Voters of Vermont Health Care Privatization position,
avoiding the need for a lengthy new study.

The LWV or Arapahoe and Douglas Counties' Management Team has voted to recommend
this proposed concurrence resolution
to update the League of Women Voters national Health Care position.

All local Leagues are asked to recommend
the concurrence resolution as part of their 2024 Program Planning.

Read the League of Women Voters of Vermont's Health Care Privatization position here:
LWV of VT Health Care Privatization position

The League of Women Voters voted in 2022 to adopt an updated
League of Women Voters national Health Care position
thanks to the efforts of the Health Care Reform for the U.S. (HCR4US) Committee
advocating for this enhanced Health Care position.

The LWVUS Health Care Reform for the United States (HCR4US) Committee successfully won approval of an enhanced health care position at the 2022 national convention for Leagues across the county. The position will allow Leagues across the United States to advocate for additional critical health care reforms.

In addition to the original health care position's points
  • Universal: meaning equitable access to needed healthcare for all U.S. residents
  • Equitable Quality: with equitable distribution of healthcare services 
  • Affordable for All: financed through general taxes, i.e., progressive (not individual insurance premiums, i.e., not regressive)
We added these goals:
  • Protecting vulnerable Americans and public health - justice, diversity, equity, and inclusion (League calls this goal J.E.D.I. or D.E.I.)
  • Single-payer concept as viable, desirable for achieving LWVUS goals - affordable, equitable, universal health care
  • States can enact universal health care until Congress acts - “laboratories of democracy"
  • Regular assessment and transparent administration
The new policies will allow state and local advocacy for critically urgent health care reforms while supporting J.E.D.I. principles
  • Expanded delivery options (e.g., telemedicine) with “standard of care” treatments
  • Separating health care from employment status 
  • “Safe staffing” for staff & patient safety 
  • Patients, family, providers decide health care 
  • Cost-controls require evidence of reduced total costs and do not exacerbate outcome disparities

Want to learn more?
  • View this 5-minute recording explaining the Health Care Concurrence proposal for the LWVUS 2022 National Convention:
    View a short recording
  • Review our Health Care Concurrence proposal caucus materials for the LWVUS 2022 National Convention:
    Review caucus materials
Learn more about
the Health Care Reform for the U.S. (HCR4US) Committee's efforts