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HomeEventsNational Gun Violence Awareness Weekend: Wear Orange

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National Gun Violence Awareness Weekend: Wear Orange

About this event

National Gun Violence Prevention Week website screen print

National Gun Violence Awareness Day is the first Friday in June. It's part of Wear Orange Weekend, when the public demands an end to gun violence in the U.S.

How you can show your support:

Wear orange during National Gun Violence Awareness Weekend. Supporters across the U.S. wear orange and demand change on this day.

Ask your mayor to declare the first Friday in June as Gun Violence Awareness Day in your city or town.

The League of Women Voters supports measures to prevent gun violence.

Learn more about National Gun Violence Awareness Day and Wear Orange on the Everytown for Gun Safety

For more information about gun violence survivors, see the Everytown  website


Friday, June 7, 2024, to Sunday, June 9, 2024


In person at Riverdale Regional Park in Brighton at 7:00 p.m. and online meeting
9755 Henderson Rd, Waymire Dome Rendezvous Rooms
Brighton, CO  80601


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