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HomeAdvocacy - Voting Rights, Registering Voters, Elections, Civ
Advocacy and Action with the League of Women Voters

Two League of Women Voters members women with register to vote sign
Voting Rights Protection, Voter Registration, Elections, and Civics Education

1. Join Our Voter Services Committee

     2. League Issue Positions
         a. LWV of Colorado Positions
         b. LWV of the US Positions

     3. Voting Rights Protection

4. Voter Registration
a. High School Students
1. Eliza Pickrell Routt award
b. College Students
1. Colorado Campus Voting Challenge

5. League Call to Action on Certain Current Bills
a. Colorado General Assembly
1. Bills Of Interest to League
2. Contact Your Representatives
b. US Congress
1. Bills Of Interest to League
2. Contact Your Representatives

6. Elections
a. Federal, Statewide, Judicial, and County Elections
b. Municipal Elections
c. School Board Elections
d. Special District Elections
e. Candidate Forums
f. Ballot Issue Presentations
g. Election Judges
h. Student Election Judges
i. Election Integrity and Security
j. Election Protection
k. Election Disinformation

7. LWV

8. Civics Education

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