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HomeEventsLWVADC Great Decisions Discussion Group - 11:30 AM

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LWVADC Great Decisions Discussion Group - 11:30 AM

About this event

Great Decisions study manual 2025

Our League of Women Voters of Arapahoe and Douglas Counties Great Decisions Discussion Group meets on the second and fourth Friday of each month online.

This week's topic: Chapter 4: "India: Between China, the West, and the Global South" discussion.
In this chapter: India is an emerging major power in world affairs, occupying a pivotal position between China, the United States, and the Global South. Its population size, economy, and geopolitical location ensure that it will be an influential voice in debates and political struggles over global order. What are India’s choices and opportunities for regional and global leadership? How will it maneuver between China and the United States, and what is its role as a voice of the Global South? What opportunities exist for Washington to work with India?

To see if room is still available for this series, contact Linda or email lwvadc.defending.democracy at sign gmail dot com
with your name and email address and with GREAT DECISIONS in the subject line.

Date and Time

Friday, March 14, 2025, 11:30 AM until 1:00 PM


Online Meeting


Event Contact(s)

Linda J Rohan


LWVADC Great Decisions Study Group

Registration Info

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